Who needs private photography lessons?
In short, anyone who owns a camera!
That’s right, you do. And I do. And pretty much any photographer who wants to drastically improve their photography game needs private photography lessons.
To preempt your impending question with another question – What do athletes like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Peyton Manning, Michael Phelps and others have in common… they have all had one-to-one lessons throughout their careers. The coaches / mentors are providing perpetual tuneups – maintaining the athletes’ strengths while improving their weak areas. Group learning forums are fine but if you are serious about elevating your photography to the next level then there is no substitute for good, private, individual photography instruction.
Use it or lose it!
The age old expression “use it or lose it” holds true to photography, as it does to just about any other activity. Several of my part time photographer friends in Greenville and Charlotte express a noticeable difference in their photographic acumen during times their other professions (business owners, computer programmers, salesmen, accountants, etc) command their attention. Similar to most other skills, as time passes, creative recall (which lighting setup is best for a full-figured person? Which pose communicates what? Should I focus on the subject’s near eye or far eye? How can I match the color temperature of an incandescent light with a flash?) decreases precipitously. Suffice it to say, there is only one way to stay sharp and to improve – practice, practice, practice.
But practice alone usually isn’t enough.
Consider the sport of golf. Just about every golfer who consistently shoots under par has had a lesson (or several of them) with a professional. If they don’t, the form bad habits which are very difficult to correct. Why do golf pros teach private lessons? Well, its an intimate setting, there is better communication, and no one feels that “all eyes are upon them” (not to mention that providing feedback and tweaking a room full of golf enthusiasts simultaneously is a tall order). So ask yourself – when taking pictures, do your images always reflect your artistic vision? Are you consistently and accurately reproducing what you see? Can you always anticipate and predict the results on your camera’s LCD screen? If not, you may want to consider a photography class or customized photography mentoring.
“But I took a class once already”, “But I’m already a professional / I just do this part time”, “Photography is merely just a hobby of mine”, “I have a really nice camera”, so why do I need to attend photography workshops, photography seminars and hire someone for private photography lessons in Charlotte NC or Greenville SC?
We’ll run thru these concerns in a series up upcoming blog posts.
For more information, call now! 864-336-3554
OR Email forrest@forrestbriggsphotography.com